Monday, February 23, 2009

Noche De Soltero

Hello one of these days i am going to write my entire blog in spanish but don't hold your breath! But anyways how is everyone! write me a message and let me know! I will put my address here in a few days so you guys can send me stuff si quieres! This entry going to be all over the place cause its been a while since i posted so the next one i promise will be a little more organized!
The last two weeks have been crazy day by day! Some days are very clam and easy going and others im constantly on the move and i running around the whole city doing stuff. We recently satrted doing regular home visits and they aren't exactly my favorite thing but who  said service was about what you like to do. I guess i dont like them cause they tend to be akward and sometimes boring. Fridays tend to be the most crazy day because we leave at about 8:30 and go visit a Bahai that lives by the river and then we walk to the Mercados house and have lunch and hang out with them. The i go all the way to Arroyo Poya to hang out with my pre-youth and help my childrens class. Then after that i go back home. It doesnt sound like alot but if you had to do all the walking and bus catching and soccer playing you would understand.
So this is the part where things start to get a little changeling. No more rainbows and sunshine, well there still is just a little cloud cover. When i started the pre-youth group in arroyo poya i was so excited and the pre-youth were full of energy and they were excited to start a pre-youth group. Being all pumped up,the first two meeting were great. I went up there one friday afternoon and we played soccer and volleyball together! It was great i mean there is nothing more fulfilling then being in South America Playing soccer and Volleyball with 12 spanish speaking 13/14 year olds! 
Then the next week there was some conflict within the group. Then slowly the py stop coming one by one. So now we have one person that comes regularly and the rest show up when they fill like it. This week class was testing because the whole time the py were cursing at each other, hitting each other, making fun of each other, and the day ended with two of the py actually fighting another py, three or four py running home crying, and me trying to understand thru all the screaming and fighting what was going on, because spanish sounds like german to me when people are screaming at each other.. And the whole time this is going on, there one pre-youth, named lucas who is the peace-maker in the group, doing the staying alive dance and other disco dances that remains me of john travolta. So im trying to be serious and lucas is just cracking me up. At first i was thinking that the group would be impossible to do and now as i reflect on it and i realize that they are just being kids. 
I remember how i was with my friends growing up and we were the same way! They just need a little more guidance. So i deiced to spend a little more time with them. They love me because of the whole Foreigner factor That i have!
So there is me and another youth doing the year of service in Encarnacion and i guess its a given when you put two 18 year olds together from completely different backgrounds, cultures, way of lives, there are bound to be some differences. So thats another little rain cloud i trying to push out the way! 
But all in all its the beauty of this all! The good, the bad, and the ugly its all apart of the program !
Here i've gained the reputation of the accident Prone person of the group. i have a saying " Siempre Yo" which means "Always me". I am always the one who trips, falls, knocks down stuff all of it! Right now is carnaval and i was walking down the street and people in the apartments stand on their balconies and throw water ballons at the people below. Well while i was walking past a apartment building the decided to step their game up and poured a whole bucket of water of me! Just like the movies :)
I leave you with one more random funny story. So me, Simone, and Nidia were in a store downtown. We were about to leave the store and i was the first one to open the door. So i as i was walking i saw a sign on the door that said " Tire" So i asked Nidia and Simone "why they had the word tire on the door" and at that moment i went to PUSH the door open and i ran right into it knocking myself down. Apparently "Tire" means PULL in spanish! :-)

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